There is always a ceremony in my mind when I turn off the daily alarm for summer vacation, but this year I heard the Hallelujah Chorus as I turned off the alarm. (I did chuckle a little as I set my alarm for that time on Race Day!)
Even though I might not necessarily sleep late, I enjoy the pleasure of waking up slowly. That entails no immediate shower, an extra cup of coffee, and a leisurely reading of the newspaper.
The last week began with my retirement open house. I had the option of choosing what type of celebration I wanted. This was it. We had a light lunch, cake, and good company. I was blessed with visitors from my three church homes and so many other friends. One of my friends said, "Thanks for retiring so I could see my old friends." That was what I wanted--a chance to talk and reconnect.
By the end of the week, I felt like that athlete who retires and must be greeted at each stadium visited during the final season. It was a very uncomfortable.
Please don't celebrate me. Celebrate our God who took a girl from Nebraska who used the talents He gave her to tell His story and help His children learn how to read, write, and discover who they are. It's all on Him--I flew by the seat of my pants so many days.
What will I miss? I will miss the good people I taught with each day who lifted me up in prayer and had my back. I will miss the look in a little child's eyes when he or she discovers, "I get it!" I will miss the adrenaline that flowed when the "Back to School" ads come out.
Now, I say, "Thanks, God, for using me to glorify you."
Let the next adventure begin!
Nicely said!